dimanche 1 mars 2009

News in short.

Congratulation to Steven who became a proud father last weekend. We wish him and his family all the best.

Congratulation to Robin as well for having been awarded a third stripe after saturday's training.

Most of you probably noticed it but I think it's important to mention it once again: the amount of people training on both wednesday's and saturday's has consistently increased the last few months and most importantly, the overal level of each students has grown at light speed. Thomas and Ben are very happy with the motivation and the engagement shown by all of us. I can only hope we'll keep the pace and push the level higher in the upcoming months so our academy will become a force to be reckon with.

I'm currently talking with Thomas to restart the wednesday classes with him as previously agreed if we were to reach a certain amount of people per classes. Seems like we're looking at April at the latest for this to happen. More info soon.

Dream but dont sleep.


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